How to use your Suzi Roher scarf as a mask

How to use your Suzi Roher scarf as a mask

Posted by Samantha Day on

There is no reason you can't be safe, and look good doing it.
We are... Who knows how many days deep into quarantine we are, and most doctors are recommending we wear masks when going out. This small act will not only help keep you safe, but others as well.

So let's learn from Suzi Roher, how you can turn your SUZI ROHER scarf into a mask and scarf combo.

You will need:
- 1x SUZI ROHER Scarf
- 2x Regular Hair Elastics

First, take your scarf and fold it into a large triangle. Then fold the point of the triangle in twice, making the scarf a long narrow rectangle.
Next take your first hair elastic, and thread the scarf through, bringing the hair elastic to about 36 inch from the end of the scarf. Take your second hair elastic and thread the scarf through, bringing it about 12 inch from the end.
Keeping the scarf in front, loop the elastics over each ear. From here you can adjust the scarf so it covers your mouth and nose closely.
The long end of the scarf can now be wrapped around your head twice.
You are now ready to go! Safe and styling.

If you have any questions about how you can use your SUZI ROHER scarf email us at

Be Safe - Stay Well - Stay Home.

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